Pareciam completamente diferentes, mas as brigas eram exatamente por serem tão iguais. O encontro entre um furacão e um vulcão, por assim dizer. Dois desastres naturais apaixonados, que acharam a felicidade bem ali, entre lavas e redemoinhos. Se num segundo discutiam, no outro estavam na cama. Tudo o que viviam era intenso, sentido na pele. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, era essa explosão de sentimentos que os trazia paz. Eram as faíscas do abraço, o choque do beijo, o calor das mãos. Eram as mensagens que o corpo e a mente enviavam, a todo instante, dando a certeza de que não havia outra pessoa no mundo com quem eles queriam estar.
They seemed to be totally different, but the fights were exactly because they were so alike. The meeting between a hurricane and a volcano, so to speak. Two passionate natural disasters, which found happiness right there, between eruptions and swirls. If in a second they argued, the next minute they were in bed. All that they lived was intense, felt under the skin. But at the same time, it was that explosion of feelings that brought them peace. The sparks of hugs, the shock of kisses, the warmth of hands were the messages that body and mind sent, every moment, giving them the certainty that there was no other person in the world that they wanted to be with.
Atravessou a rua meio apressada, tentando parecer invisível. O bar ficava a poucos metros dali e o coração já havia iniciado o caminho de fuga, querendo sair pela boca. De repente, ela o viu. Encostado com um dos pés na parede, tinha uma das mãos no bolso e a outra no celular. Diminuiu o ritmo dos passos e agradeceu mentalmente à tecnologia, que o faria prestar atenção em outra coisa enquanto ela se aproximava. Já a menos de um metro dele, ele levantou o rosto e a reconheceu. Ela sorriu. Ele também. Ambos entraram no bar. Ela parou no balcão e, enquanto pedia uma cerveja, ele assoprava o cabelo dela, só para pentelhar. Conversaram por alguns minutos, riram, mas era impossível se concentrar de fato. A ansiedade parecia ser palpável. Seu corpo sentia um leve choque elétrico a cada vez que eles se tocavam por acaso e ela tinha que fazer um esforço descomunal para não agarrá-lo a cada vez que a covinha na bochecha dele aparecia. Até que ele ouviu os pensamentos dela, talvez alto demais, e propôs que eles saíssem de lá. Táxi, elevador, portas, roupas jogadas, suspiros, sintonia, um fim que levava a um começo. Havia encontrado um pequeno infinito. Por vezes sentiu-se perdendo a sanidade naquela noite. Por vezes sentiu-se afogar nos olhos dele, naquele misto de azul e verde, que pareciam enxergar muito além do que ela podia dizer. No meio daquela avalanche de sentimentos, decidiu ir embora antes que ficasse presa para sempre no laço daqueles braços. Mas era tarde demais. No caminho de volta para casa, se deu conta: havia esquecido o próprio coração em cima da cama.
She crossed the street in a hurry, trying to be invisible. The pub was a few meters away and her heart had already started the escape route, wanting to get out through her mouth. Suddenly, she saw him. Leaning with one foot on the wall, he had one hand in his pocket and the other on the phone. She slowed down the rhythm and mentally thanked the technology, which would make him focus on something else while she walked towards him. When she was less than a meter away, he looked up and recognised her. He smiled. She did too. They talked for a few minutes, laughed, but it was impossible to concentrate, in fact. The anxiety and anticipation there was almost palpable. Her body could feel a slight electric shock every time they touched each other by accident and she had to make an enormous effort not to grab him every time a cute dimple appeared in his cheek. Finally he seemed to have heard her thoughts, already too loud, and invited her to go somewhere else. Taxi, elevator, doors, clothes thrown, sighs, touches, synchrony. She had found a small infinite in that time and space. His eyes were a mix of blue and green, and seemed able to see her right through. In the middle of a flood of feelings coming to the surface, she decided to leave before she got stuck forever in the knot of his arms. But it was already too late. On the way back home, she realised: she had forgotten her own heart on his bed.
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