She needed to change the course of things, reinvent the routine. In Feng Shui decoration, balance comes with the exchange of energies, with the change of objects, with the renovation of the environment. So that was it, she thought. She was going to redecorate everything: her heart, her mind, her life.


Precisava mudar o rumo das coisas, reinventar a rotina. Na decoração do Feng Shui o equilíbrio vem com a troca de energias, com a mudança de objetos, com a renovação do ambiente. Então era isso, pensou. Ia redecorar tudo: seu coração, sua mente, sua vida.


Problems had tired her. Loneliness slept in her bed every night and she no longer knew what patience was. She was fed up with cycles that only started, ending halfway through. She wanted a change. She wanted a call. She wanted an appearance. She closed her eyes. She wanted a miracle.


Os problemas a cansavam. A solidão dormia em sua cama todas as noites e ela já não sabia o que era paciência. Estava farta de ciclos que apenas começavam, terminando pela metade. Queria uma mudança. Queria uma ligação. Queria uma aparição. Fechou os olhos. Ela queria um milagre.


He stopped his eyes on hers. And in a second, he lost himself there. Iris, retina, colors, reflections. The sun shone along with them. She smiled. For him, one more treasure has just joined the golden world of that late afternoon. In love. He was definitely in love.


Parou os olhos nos dela. E em um segundo, se perdeu. Íris, retina, cores, reflexos. O sol brilhava junto com eles. Ela sorriu. Para ele, mais um tesouro se juntou ao mundo dourado daquele final de tarde. Apaixonado. Ele estava apaixonado.


Lying down in bed, she realised that the silence in the room was a contrast to the screaming going on in her head. Where had she lost control of her life? She felt like a piece of her was missing. And as every part of her body ached, she knew that was a protest. Her body was claiming the missing piece. Her body claimed his.


Deitada, percebia que o silêncio do quarto contrastava com a gritaria em sua mente. Em que parte ela perdera o controle de sua vida? Parte. Era o que faltava agora...uma parte. Enquanto cada pedaço do seu corpo doía, ela sabia, era um protesto. Seu corpo reivindicava o dele.


He looked at her with the eyes of someone who was keeping a secret, and hugged her tiny body, trying not to shiver. She thought he was just nervous, as she also was. But in fact he was thinking about how much of a responsibility it was to finally hold his world in his arms.


Olhava para ela com o olhar de quem guardava um segredo. Abraçava seu corpo miúdo, tentando não tremer. Ela, achava que ele apenas estava nervoso, como ela também estava. Ele, achava que era muita responsabilidade segurar o seu mundo nos braços.


How many times had she said that? "I love you" is not just any sentence. Saying "I love you" is not like saying "Good morning", she thought. That was why she was so afraid of opening her mouth and letting her throat bring the sound of truth out there. Until his kiss silenced her completely. She didn't need to say it out loud. He already knew.


Quantas vezes havia dito aquilo? “Eu te amo” não é uma frase qualquer. “Eu te amo” não é “Bom dia”. Era o que pensava. Por isso temia tanto em abrir os lábios e deixar a garganta trazer o som da verdade para fora. Até que o beijo a calou por completo. Não precisava dizer. Ele já sabia.

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